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Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, Case Western Reserve University: ECIV 426 Probabilistic Analysis (7 students) ECIV 324 Timber and Masonry Design (15 students) ECIV 310 Strength of Materials (4 semesters, average 90 students) ENGR 200 Statics (200 students) Instructor, Institute of Earthquake Engineering Research, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology: EQE 6108 Dynamics of Structures and Vibration Control (25 students) EQE 6110 Performance-Based Seismic Design of Structures (25 students) EQE 6111 Assessment and Strengthening of Existing Structures (25 students) Training Structural Analysis and Design of RC Buildings (50 students) Major Responsibilities: Course instruction; Preparing lecture notes, homework problems and solutions; Grading homework and exams; Holding office hours; Mentoring graduate students